Tuesday, August 25, 2009

yours is the only ocean

still knackered, keeping conscious to listen to humbug. so far so big!

was asked today by a near stranger if i believe in God. In general I am bewildered when people want to discuss religion. even then I try and answer truthfully and honestly, that yes i believe in a creator of the universe. you would think that would be the end of discussion, but no it never is.

do you believe in jesus christ the son of god who died on the cross for sin mine and yours and his and hers? because then and only then is your sould saved from eternal damnation and a seat in satans den.
is that even a question? or a threat. i guess that was always my beef with the religion i was lucky enough to recieve 16 years education in. i looked around at my fellow 9 year old catechism classmates wondering if they too prayed the hail mary out of pure fear. as hard as i tried to accept religion and make it a part of my life, it was increasingly difficult answer the questions i had, feeling that many of the people whom i shared a pew with were merely posturing. and the psychos on television using the holy bible to spread hate and pass judgement on "sinners". surely, though we were all christians, we couldn't possibly be of the same religion. no way.

so for the past few years, i've walked around basically without religion and not really feeling particularly spiritual or faithful. more recently i've been feeling like my relationship with my surroundings and how i relate to humans and animals is what makes me feel connected to a higher power. im so down for that!


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